Thursday, October 10, 2013

Jack at 1 Month

This past month with Jack seems like it has gone by really fast. The transition has been fairly smooth, other than when I have to attempt to take both boys out of the house by myself. Lincoln loves Jack so much. He is constantly giving him kisses and wanting to sit or lay down right by him. I also recovered from delivery extremely quickly. It has been great! Now I'm just looking forward to the weather cooling down so we can actually enjoy going outside.

A few things about Jack at 1 month:

  • Weight is 11lbs, 2 oz. Between 4 days old and 11 days old he gained a whopping 2lbs after loosing his initial birth weight. As of today he has gained another 3 lbs. 
  • In the hospital eating was a challenge because he had quite a bit of fluid in his stomach that he was spitting up, but ever since then he has turned into a fantastic nurser. He loves to eat. 
  • He loves to be swaddled. 
  • He likes the binky. 
  • He has brown eyes and dark hair. He looks a lot like Sean. 
  • He hates having a poopy diaper and will be uncomfortable immediately after he poops. He calms right down when he gets that clean diaper on. 
  • By some miracle, he is a fantastic sleeper at night. At about 2 weeks old he started sleeping an initial 5 hours at night and then will fall right back asleep after he wakes up to change and nurse. If I slept when he slept I would be doing perfectly fine considering I have a new baby. But, because him and Lincoln don't exactly sleep at the same time I'm still exhausted. 
It's crazy how different one baby is to the next. Jack and Lincoln are so different from one another already. Lincoln struggled nursing (which was probably mostly my lack of experience), woke up every 2 hours, didn't like the swaddle or the binky and couldn't have cared less if he was poopy. Each little personality comes out so quickly. It's fun to watch Jack grow and learn little things so far. We love having him in our family.