Thursday, January 16, 2014

JACK at 4 Months

I feel like Jack has grown sooo fast. He was just barely wearing 0-3m clothes and now I'm already getting out the 9 and 12 months things. We barely touched the 6m size. He weighs just over 17lbs, which is the 90th percentile. He's in the 50th percentile for height though. I guess he's turned out to be a little chunk. :)
He loves laughing at Lincoln. Lately they have been interacting more with each other. Lincoln will play with the WonderBug toys with him, and they also have fun playing in the bath.
Jack is TICKLISH! He has been laughing when tickled for quite a while! I don't remember Lincoln actually laughing when being tickled this early on, so this stands out to me a bit. And of course we LOVE to tickle him. He has the cutest laugh.
The last few weeks he has started to grab at toys.
He is a fantastic eater. He nurses a lot. He is also a great sleeper. He still sleeps great at night and finally naps during the day have gotten better. We had a rough patch there for a while. :)
Overall Jack has such a happy and content countenance. He is already bringing us so much fun and happiness, and Sean and I are both excited to continue with life with these two little boys.