Sean and I have taught the Sunbeam class at church since the beginning of this year. Let me tell you, it is crazy! :) We have five kids on our roster, but usually only have about 3 or 4 in class every week. We have Maggie, Makayla, Gavin, Isaac, and Martin.We also used to have a little girl named Kate, but they recently switched our classes and she is in the other sunbeam class. I was sad about that, because she is my favorite! Maggie is full of energy, always happy, and LOVES Sean. Makayla is shy, but goofy at the same time. Gavin is smart, artistic and totally a pretender. A few weeks ago he pretended to be a cat the ENTIRE time! He tried to crawl down the hall to the primary room, wouldn't talk to us, and definitely gave us a run for our money! Isaac is . . . a troublemaker! He's dramatic and kind of defiant. He doesn't like me anymore because I was kinda mean to him one Sunday when he was misbehaving and Sean wasn't there with me that week because of work. Not to mention there happened to be all five kids there that week. Anyways, today he was totally on one! I just let Sean deal with it because he's a lot more patient than I am with this kid. The thought of having a 3-year-old boy just like him terrifies me!
Our classtime is sort of hilarious. Recently our lesson titles have been things like "I am thankful for my eyes" or ears, or hands or next week is for our nose. We love these cuz they are just funny first of all, but it also makes classtime really simple and straightforward. Last week we went outside and played sound hide-and-seek. Two would hide together and make noises to help the others find them. This was a way to have fun and to be thankful for our ears/hearing. Ahh . . . the joys of primary! Fruit snacks, tissues and hand sanitizer are also a must.
My favorite time is music time. It's just fun! And usually the kids do and say funny things to keep us entertained. It's fun to be with these hilarious kids, and also to teach them and play with them along with Sean and his crazy tricks to keep them laughing and entertained. He's for sure the favorite. All the kids knew him by "Sean" and had called him that for a few weeks. They hadn't really called me anything, actually. But then one week Gavin looks at me to get my attention and says "Teacher?" Yeah, that was a blow to my ego! :) Luckily, now a few months later they know my name is Megan. All in all, this is my favorite calling so far. Even though I don't really have much of a track record, I still love it!