A few things about Jack at 1 month:
- Weight is 11lbs, 2 oz. Between 4 days old and 11 days old he gained a whopping 2lbs after loosing his initial birth weight. As of today he has gained another 3 lbs.
- In the hospital eating was a challenge because he had quite a bit of fluid in his stomach that he was spitting up, but ever since then he has turned into a fantastic nurser. He loves to eat.
- He loves to be swaddled.
- He likes the binky.
- He has brown eyes and dark hair. He looks a lot like Sean.
- He hates having a poopy diaper and will be uncomfortable immediately after he poops. He calms right down when he gets that clean diaper on.
- By some miracle, he is a fantastic sleeper at night. At about 2 weeks old he started sleeping an initial 5 hours at night and then will fall right back asleep after he wakes up to change and nurse. If I slept when he slept I would be doing perfectly fine considering I have a new baby. But, because him and Lincoln don't exactly sleep at the same time I'm still exhausted.