Friday, February 10, 2012

Scooters and Diapers

We have two new things going on! Number one: Sean and I bought a scooter! I've never seen him with a bigger smile on his face than when he rode it up our driveway and took off his helmet. He was grinning ear to ear. He was so excited about it! We are very excited for him to have his very own mode of transportation to get to and from work and school. I didn't take a picture of him yet but I'll have to post one of him cruising around.

Number two: Lincoln is going to start wearing cloth diapers. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but when you're changing 6 diapers a day this is actually pretty life changing! Now, for starters, cloth diapers are not what they used to be, incase you were wondering! They've gotten a whole lot fancier and more easy to use. I never knew all the benefits: overall they will be so much cheaper than buying disposable diapers. The diapers you buy only have two sizes, and the ones I just bought will last til he weighs 35lbs or so. It's also waaay less garbage! I can't believe how much trash diapers add. It's crazy! And all they are is just full of pee... yucky! I have also read that they prevent diaper rashes better as well as keep leaks out better than disposable diapers. The only downside that I've notices since I put the first one on him today was that they are bigger than disposable diapers. Which makes Lincoln's clothes tighter. In the summer I don't think this will be a problem because I can totally see him having a blast cruising around the house in his diaper and a t-shirt--especially with that little extra padding. But in the winter right now when he wears onsies all the time I can tell it will make his clothes fit a little differently. This one minor thing isn't really a big enough deal to make me wait to let him wear them for a few months. He looks so cute . . . they come in super cute colors. Just to clarify how they work, they have a cloth insert inside that's changed when needed. The outer part is resused several times until you want to wash it. Everything is just thrown in the washer. Pretty simple actually. So far I only bought 12 cloth inserts. We'll get in the habit of using them and then I think i'll buy more so that whenever we're home he'll be useing them. I'm excited. :)
Check out how he looks! btw...Lincoln hates the camera. Everytime I put it in front of his face he just stares blankly at me. We'll have to work on that, cuz I love this kid's smile!

He's like "put that thing away! It hurts my eyes!"

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