Saturday, April 23, 2011

BYU Graduation

Yesterday I WALKED!! Since I technically graduated in December, it was kinda nice to just casually pick up my cap and gown and show up to the Marriot Center without having a psycho week of finals. The ceremony was obviously very long, but afterwards, you're grateful you were a part of it! After I walked across the stage, Sean came down to the bottom where people were allowed to take pictures and I got to go over and give him a hug and take pictures with him. He also surprised me when he snuck up the back ramp out of the Marriot Center where all the graduates go. He got my attention by spanking my butt, which obviously totally freaked me out because I thought "Who the heck is behind me?" Much to my relief it was him! haha. Also, several family members were either able to come to the ceremony or to our house afterwards for dinner. Since my cousin Shayla and I both graduated there were more of us!

I am very grateful for my education. I'm also grateful that my parents made it all possible. BYU treated me well. And although graduation feels like a long time coming with my mission taking place after more than 3/4 of my education. I'm glad that I was finally able to celebrate that time in my life. And I also have to say that I never in a billion years thought that I would graduate from BYU married and pregnant! haha. I'm just glad I'm not 8 months pregnant cuz the graduation gown already made me look huge enough! :)

P.S. Something cute . . . on our drive home from my parents house Sean took a moment to tell me that he was proud of me and glad he married me and as I said "aww... thanks Seany" (or something like that), I leaned my head on his shoulder and he said "aww... are you gonna get all squishy on me." haha... Instead of mooshy! That's our newest inside joke! :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


I am now 15 weeks pregnant, and according to the photo above, my baby looks like a real baby now! How awesome is that?!?

Today was actually a pretty exciting day for me in the world of pregnancy. We had my second real appointment and we finally got to hear the baby's heart beat! Last time I went to the Dr I was only 10 weeks and they looked for the heartbeat, but couldn't find it. The Dr wasn't worried though because it was so early and also because he realized that my uterus was a little farther back than most. Anyways, today the nurse found it within 30 seconds. 5 weeks can make a big difference. The baby's heart was beating at 156 beats per minute. It was pretty fast! It was so fun to finally hear it just because lately I've been feeling like I'm not really pregnant anymore since I'm not as nauseated in the morning. My belly is definitely bigger though! Although, I'm still in that awkward stage where onlookers would either think that I'm a little pregnant or my gut just sticks out farther in front than most. My natural 'pooch', as I like to call it, isn't helping any. This stage probably won't be over for at least another month though, so I guess I'll get used to it. All in all, today it was good to know that there's a little baby in there probably squirming all over the place even though I can't feel it yet!

I can't wait to have the 20 week ultrasound and find out the gender! Any guesses on what you think I'll be having?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Joke of the Day

I haven't really written on my blog lately because nothing overly exciting seems to be going on. I'm still working. I'm still pregnant. Sean is still working and still going to school. So yeah, not much has changed. So, I thought I would share something that have made me laugh. Today I had the pleasure of going to a Dr's appointment with my mom. Melissa was brining her, so they picked me up on their way to Utah Valley Medical Center. In the waiting room was a little bucket with candy. I picked out a Laffy Taffy for my mom and read the following joke:

"How do you make an orange laugh?"

"Tickle it's navel."
It was pretty fun to be in a waiting room laughing our heads off at Laffy Taffy jokes as silly as this one. And my mom sure got a kick out of that one!