Friday, April 15, 2011


I am now 15 weeks pregnant, and according to the photo above, my baby looks like a real baby now! How awesome is that?!?

Today was actually a pretty exciting day for me in the world of pregnancy. We had my second real appointment and we finally got to hear the baby's heart beat! Last time I went to the Dr I was only 10 weeks and they looked for the heartbeat, but couldn't find it. The Dr wasn't worried though because it was so early and also because he realized that my uterus was a little farther back than most. Anyways, today the nurse found it within 30 seconds. 5 weeks can make a big difference. The baby's heart was beating at 156 beats per minute. It was pretty fast! It was so fun to finally hear it just because lately I've been feeling like I'm not really pregnant anymore since I'm not as nauseated in the morning. My belly is definitely bigger though! Although, I'm still in that awkward stage where onlookers would either think that I'm a little pregnant or my gut just sticks out farther in front than most. My natural 'pooch', as I like to call it, isn't helping any. This stage probably won't be over for at least another month though, so I guess I'll get used to it. All in all, today it was good to know that there's a little baby in there probably squirming all over the place even though I can't feel it yet!

I can't wait to have the 20 week ultrasound and find out the gender! Any guesses on what you think I'll be having?


  1. Yay for the baby!! I say a girl. I say that because most of my friends are having boys, and its about time a girl came along :)

  2. um same here. everyone is having a boy! Except for chels. there needs to be more girls to match up with all these future guys! is it strange that this picture kinda weirds me out?

  3. That's funny both of ya'll know people having boys, cuz I feel like tons of people I know lately are either having a girl or already have a bunch of girls.

    Layne, haha... it crossed my mind that the photo was a little graphic for some, but I'm so used to looking at photos similar to see what the baby looks like I guess it doesn't even phase me. :)

  4. Yay that you got to hear the heartbeat. It's amazing huh? I just had my 17 week visit and we find out in three weeks the gender too. I can't wait! Glad to hear you are feeling much better. It's just like everything I read says, after that first trimester you feel back to normal. Keep us posted!
