Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Diablo III

Yesterday was a day Sean had been looking forward to for quite a while. One of his favorite video games was releasing a sequel: Diablo III. Diablo II came out about 10 years ago. Four years ago Sean found out that Blizzard Entertainment would begin working on the third, and finally yesterday it was released!

Sean loves video games! But he is also very picky. More often than not he tries a new game once and decides he doesn't like it and takes it back to Game Stop (luckily they have good return policies). After watching him play and after analyzing his gaming preferences I've determined that Sean is mostly into games with good stories, good graphics, fun multiplayer play, and challenging strategem. Playstation fulfills a lot of these requirements, but Sean definitely favors the three games made by Blizzard that are made for PC. Yeah, they only make three games. And these three games are POLISHED, let me tell you. Artistly, they are extremely impressive. Sean also loves them because they are diverse in their play style. In the past Sean has played World of Warcraft with his brother and little sister (she's an undercover gaming nerd). haha. Lately, he has been playing with some of the guys that work at Texas Roadhouse who also happen to be into gaming. The owner at Texas Roadhouse is actually into these same games as well (kinda random), so they've been playing together with a couple of other guys.

I think Sean's love of video games will be the thing that keeps him young. haha. I don't know if all other men are like that I mean, I don't know if all other men have some hobby they love that is kind of boyish, but it seems like a lot of them do. Kinda funny, really. I've been working on developing my hobbies lately . . . but usually I just wanna sit down and look at facebook or watch Netflix. I need to find something that I also can get into with other friends etc... I'll figure it out, but until then I guess I can just live through Sean. :)

Sean and Lincoln before Sean was heading to Game Stop for the midnight release. Is it just me, or can you see a major resemblance in this picture?

1 comment:

  1. woah, you birthed a clone! :) So what will your hobbies be? can we have joint hobbies?
