Friday, August 31, 2012

11 Months Have Come And Gone

Superman Jammies
 Lincoln went from crawling and making small messes to crawling and terrorizing overnight. I swear he just woke up one morning and figured out drawers and cabinets and realized it was fun to taking everything out. Any basket is also included. He makes messes faster than I can clean them up, and usually I'm cleaning up one mess while he's making another somewhere else. He even figured out how to open up the toilet and play in the water, so now the whole bathroom is off limits!

He never sucks on binkies, but he found this one and kept it in his mouth for a while. Random.

 He isn't trying to walk by himself but he holds onto anything to keep his balance while he crawls and cruises through the house. Lately he also gets upset when we have to take things away he can't play with. Like that stick in the photo above, or headphones, remotes, etc. He used to not really care, but now he will throw a little fit over it for a few seconds until he gets distracted by something else.

Batman Jammies
He loves to wrestle and be tickled. It's so much fun to play with him on the bed because he loves to be rough. I guess he's just a normal boy. Normally he likes bathtime, he fights to brush his teeth, but he likes it when I clean out his ears. He has 8 teeth. He knows how to clap his hands when we clap with him. :)
He still wears cloth diapers during the day. Funny story: he crawled upstairs while I was downstairs and I could hear him up there with Sean. But, I few minutes later I heard him start to cry. I was confused because I didn't hear any other noises that would indicate why he was upset. So I start to go upstairs and I find him at the top of the stairs with no diaper. Looking more closely I realized he was stepping in his own poop. I freaked out, obviously, and then found the diaper in our bedroom, completely dry. Somehow he took it off. haha. Luckily the poop came out of the carpet. Lately, that's been the downside of that velcro on his cloth diaper covers. It will get caught on carpet or the fabric on our couch and then come loose pretty easily. That day was definitely crazier than usual!

"Hold me!"
 Lincoln eats like a champ, but if he doesn't want anymore you better watch our for his unpredictable hand slaps for the spoon. He's quick, too! I'll be offering another bit and he'll whip his arms up and wave them really fast. Sometimes he makes big messes, and so it's frusterating, but I guess it's good he knows when he's done. He has started getting into foods that have more texture. He likes peaches, nectarines, strawberries, and cantelope. Texture is a big thing for him. Non baby food meat is still not in his favor as well as vegetables that haven't been pureed. But he likes crackers, fruit and cheese a lot! He nurses several times a day as well.

His first birthday is right around the corner--September 23rd! We are so excited to celebrate for him and I'm also excited for him to take his first steps as well. He's growing up so fast!

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