About a month ago I took Sean to one of the popular frozen yogurt places that seem to be popping up all over the valley. This brilliant idea I had is costing me big time. HE LOVED IT! And now we might as well as sign our date night budget money over the franchise every month. I've never been much of a frozen yogurt lover--ice cream is where it's at. Part of my true Forsey blood I guess. But, I love that I get to put whichever toppings and as much of those toppings as a want on my frozen yogurt. So I guess it's a good trade off. Sean is there for the frozen yogurt as much as he's there for the fresh fruit which he heavily dumps onto his dark chocolate cake batter yogurt. We've decided that Yogurtland, over across from the University Mall, is our favorite one. Maybe you'll see us there!
Oooo!!! That is totally our favorite too :)