Stats as of April 12th: 19lbs; 28in long
Lincoln loves anything that he can shake to make noise. He got to this toilet paper and had a blast shaking it around. He also loves to shake blankets and pillows. Who knew they could be so fun?

Lincoln has been learning a lot lately. It's amazing how a baby can learn the smallest little thing and it seems like such a big deal. For example, last Friday night we went to Texas Roadhouse and he figured out how to drink from a straw. Wow! It changed his life! He has also started to try to pull himself up onto things. Because he can't crawl he can't try to pull himself up onto furniture, cuz he can't get to it. But, he loves to sit in our laps or on the floor or couch next to us and he'll grab our clothes and try to pull himself upright. When we put our hands out he can grab them and go from sitting to standing. It also cracks me up when he's sitting on the floor and if I walk past he will whine and try to grab my pant legs to pull up on. I think it's funny! :)

This picture was caught just an hour ago. Sean let him lay on the recliner on his tummy like that and he ended up falling asleep. haha. I love it when he falls asleep randomly. It's so funny. I sometimes wish it happened more often because it gets a little frusterating when it should be his nap time, but he's awak and cranky and won't settle down. This method is much easier! :)

He LOVES baby food! He will pretty much eat anything. The only thing he hasn't seemed to care for is Mango. I had no idea they made mango's for babies, but it's got a weird texture. He wouldn't open his mouth anymore after a few bites. But he loves apples and pears mixed with anything. He also really likes sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots. He has always loved rice cereal as well. Lately we have learned that Lincoln is quite friendly. When people, especially women, come say hi to him he will often put out his arms and reach out for them to hold him. Like any other curious baby he grabs jewelry, hair, and anything else that looks potentially interesting.
As of May 10th he can officially roll back to front and front to back with no problems. He does it whenever it seems necessary. :)
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