Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tub Time

So, I love pictures of babies in the tub! They always look so adorably chubby. And usually they are happy as well because they love being in the tub! Lincoln loves it for sure. Any stressful night can get better once I get him into the bath. These pics from tonight are fun because it was one of the first times where I let him sit up in the tub by himself. I've been holding off for a few weeks, and now his balance is good enough that he can catch himself if he starts to tip over.

In this photo above I kept saying, "smile for Auntie Melissa"... this is what I got! He's finally starting to smile for the camera. Before he would just stare at it intently waiting for it to go away. I'm excited to send her these photos. :)

I don't know about you, but in these pictures I think he looks so much like Sean. He's a little Seany with blue eyes and no hair! haha.

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