Well. IT. HAS. HAPPENED. One of my greatest fears has come to light: Lincoln's bottom two teeth have broken through his gums. Why is this my fear? Two reasons. One: I'm terrified of being bitten while nursing. I heard about this lady whose baby bit her and cut through the flesh of the nipple. It got infected and obviously is was extremely painful. She couldn't nurse and it was terrible. ha. I laugh because of course something like this would freak me out, even though I highly doubt it will happen. Luckily being bitten isn't as much of a concern until his top teeth come in, which won't be for a little while (hopefully). Reason two: After spending a year working at a pediatric dental office I have developed a fear of baby teeth. I can't tell you how many molars I have seen that literally have holes in them, or brown spots all over the tooth. I have also seen countless x-rays that reveal significant decay on front baby teeth. Cavities in young teeth are a nightmare! Fixing them is no cake walk. Usually it requires general anesthesia because no child under the age of 5 will sit still long enough for a dentist to fix a tooth, or multiple teeth. Not to mention is also costs a fortune to pay for dental work on teeth that will eventually fall out...only not for a few years. All things considered...I hope Lincoln likes brushing! Bubble gum flavored tooth paste might become my best friend! :)
But anyways...I will say that his teeth coming in has also been very exciting! Now that it is actually happening I've calmed down about it a bit. He hasn't had terrible teething symptoms, but was definitely showing the signs this whole week, proven by his drooly face in the photos above.
The photos below are just of him having a good time in his 'Wonderbug' and with the kiddie Texas Roadhouse sunglasses Sean brought home. Cuties! :)
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