Saturday, May 26, 2012

8 months and Thumbsucking

This week Lincoln passed his 8 month mark. And apparently he likes to suck his thumb. He has been doing it a lot the past few days and we have caught several pictures to prove it. Sean was a thumbsucker, so he thinks it's super adorable. I think it's really cute as well, but my realistic side is thinking about my fears of having to break such habits . . . but I decided I'm just not going to worry about it. We'll see how long this little phase lasts, I guess.

A couple days ago.

This was just this morning. He was playing with his toys and then got bored I guess . . . so he layed down and went to sleep.

Last night going to bed.

Yesterday morning in the carseat while we were getting some breakfast.

In other news, Lincoln has been learning a lot these past few weeks. He can almost crawl. He can get around on the floor by scotting himself on his belly and using his hands and knees, but he's not actually crawling. I'm pretty sure he's loving his new-found freedom, and it will only get better once he picks up speed.

He still loves baby food and he still loves to nurse. He's never been a pro-sleeper and has actually gotten worse since his teeth started coming in. He was sleeping 6 to 10 hours straight every night for a while, but not anymore. :(

Lincoln loves his toys. He will sit and play with them on the floor for like 30 minutes while I get chores done. I keep a basket next to my bed of all his baby supplies like lotion, vitamin droppers, vaseline, the bulb syringe etc... and there is also toys and books and stuff in it. He loves to get over to it and dump everything out. I'll just lay at the edge of the bed and watch him take each thing out, look at it, shake it around, drop it, and then go for the next thing. It's so funny.

He can also pull himself up on things. These pics are of him holding onto our bed. He has pulled himself up on the bed and he can pull himself up in the crib or also on our pant legs. He is really just too much fun. And obviously I have taken a billion pictures of him, but I can't help it! He's just so darn cute and constantly entertaining us! We love him!

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