Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day


Sean's first fathers day was wonderful! We started off with a yummy breakfast before church and ended with making cookies at 10:30 at night. In between we went up to Highland to celerate with my dad and Nate and McKayla. Sean requested to have a BBQ with all the fixin's and so we did! He made the burgers and they were super good!! It was a delicious meal.

As a gift I got Sean new swim trunks and a baby pool for him and Lincoln to play in this summer. Random fact about Sean: when it comes to giving and receiving gifts he has the patience level of about -5. I always get my gifts early, and now his anxiousness has rubbed off on me and I can't seem to wait to give him gifts until the day of the event either. But, for the last 4 days I had self control and he opened his gift at dinner! I did, however, make the mistake of telling him yesterday morning that I got him a gift and he begged me to tell him what it was for like 10 minutes. Then he wanted to play 20 questions to try to figure out what it was going to be. haha. I answered 2 questions and then decided he couldn't ask anymore cuz he would probably figure it out.  More often than we realize our conversations sound like two little kids bargaining with one another. Weird...I know.

Anyways, Happy Fathers Day, Seany! We love you! :)

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