Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Memory of Mama Rene

After being very sick for over 2 months, Sean's grandmother passed away yesterday. All of her grandkids called her Mama Rene, and it was completely evident to me that every single one absolultely adored her. I knew she was a special lady when Sean told me how excited he was for me to be able to meet her at our wedding. I instantly adorded this wonderful Southern woman and although I only saw her twice I will always remember how great she was.
The reason why I wanted to post about this was because I wanted to share a little something she said over Thanksgiving this past year. That evening us women were all sitting around talking about weight, holiday weight, baby weight, you name it! Eventually in the conversation Mama Rene said, "You know what I do? Every morning I wake up, look in the mirror and say 'Honey, you still got it!'" I will never forget that. I think that statement kind of sums up her personality, and now you know why she left an impression on my heart.

*In the photo Mama Rene is to the right of Sean's mom.

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