Monday, January 3, 2011

What's Best For Us

One night last week as I was talking to my mom I saw a journal on her dresser that I knew was hers, but that I didn't think had been written in. I opened the cover and realized that she had written one entry with Melissa's help. Her entry was written January 1st and basically summarized in a paragraph her experiences of 2010. Despite my mom's trials one sentence that was included in this short synopsis basically said "I know that God knows what's best for us."
Throughout my life I've thought a lot about this idea. I feel like time and time again God has proven to me that He does know what's best. I've learned that by looking for his guidance in my decisions as well as taking opportunities as they come that seem to be put in my path for a specific reason. My mission was definitely that way. I can't imagine my life without that experience. It meant everything to me. It helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses as well as understand the true desires of my heart. Ironically, I never really planned to serve, and I only did after feeling like I was knocked over the head with the idea in a moment of sincere desire to know what was best for me.
Sometimes I think it's also the case that we know what's best for ourselves and God agrees. Isn't that the best?! Towards the end of my mission I developed a strong desired to be married and start my future family and I prayed to receive those blessings. Apparently God agreed because Sean and I started dating and fell in love quickly after I got home. We fit together as husband and wife in a way I always dreamed of, and I was so grateful to realize that what I hoped for myself was something that God also thought was best for me.
Often, we realize why a certain situation was for the best after it's over. Maybe even months or years later. I'm not going to pretend that I already have figured out why my mom is experiencing the trials she is right now, but her statement that God knows what's best gave me hope that maybe one day I'll understand.


  1. Very well said Megan. It's hard sometimes to step back and try to accept what's best for us, especially when we think we know answer, but probably don't. You are so wise :) I'm thinking about you guys!

  2. Your Mom is an angel. I admire her so much. She truly is an example to me of trusting in the Lord. (She also has some pretty terriffic kids!)

  3. What a strong testiment of truth. Thank you for sharing Megan

  4. Thank you. I needed to hear this Megan. Your mom is my too...all of you. My trials pale in comparison, so thank you for being a good example.
