Today was good for a few reasons: I turned in a 10 page research paper (glad that's over!), I had a second interview with the job at the Utah Chamber of Commerce and it went really well--I find out Friday, I got to cook a yummy dinner for Scott and Candice (Sean's brother and his wife), and then they let us come as guests to Scott's work Christmas party where Brian Reegan was featured as the entertainment for the night! It was such a treat! I laughed so hard at one point I shed a tear! He is absolutely hilarious! How do comedians do it? They talk about the most ordinary things and turn it into something that causes you to roll-on-the-floor laughing. That's part of the humor--usually they are talking about stuff that almost any human can relate to, therefore we laugh. It was definitely a great show. I've seen two of his DVDs and heard one of his CDs but seeing him live blew both of those completely out of the park. He even messed up his own joke at one point, called attention to it, and got a huge laugh from the crowd over his own embarassment. haha. That's comedy!
Recently that's my preference for movies as well. If something isn't gonna make me laugh outloud, then why bother. I'm just in this phase where I'm not interested in mind-twister movies, nor adventures, and not even chick-flicks. Maybe that last one is a symptom of being married... I don't know. Anyways, I just wanna be entertained. If you make me laugh, you succeed. It was worth my money. If not, well, I'll just say it was a well-done film, in a sophisticated tone. I used to be into stuff that made me think about the meaning of life, and analyze everything in abstract ways. I'm much more simple now for some reason. I not exactly sure why. But I think it might be because the older I get the more I realize I still have so far to go, and I'm not gonna figure life out anytime soon just by thinking about it.
Ooooo that's deep. And interesting. But man, I am jealous you got to see Brian Reagan live!! His CD's are hilarious... I can only imagine! Glad you had a fun night :)
ReplyDeletei'm so jealous you went!! And I'm so happy it was as awesome as was expected :)